To achieve objectives aligned with those aspects they consider important, 54% intend to invest in new projects already identified in the company's strategic plan, 39% in developing a strategic plan with an ESG approach, and 32% are seeking investments in these topics through startups.
The high cost of electricity, which is relevant for 87% of the companies, also drives plans to invest in renewable energy projects or acquisitions. For 83%, the best investment alternative is solar energy, while 23% are expected to invest in wind power, and 14% in bioelectricity.
Priorities on the agenda of the companies
Within ESG practices, the priority for Brazilian entrepreneurs is the Environmental pillar - preservation and recovery of the environment (47%), followed by the Social pillar - inclusion plans, diversity, projects involving the community (29%), and the Governance pillar - transparency in processes, objectivity in information flows, sustainable development (16%).
For 68% of the respondents, cost reduction is the highest priority, while innovation is the area that should receive the most attention from 55% of the companies. The training of the teams also featured prominently, with 49% of the entrepreneurs' choice, followed by the development of new products (46%), ESG (27%), and financing (getting credit), which is a priority for 25%
Daniele Barreto e Silva, leader of Sustainability at Grant Thornton Brazil, assesses that there is a growing global movement in search of sustainability and Brazilian companies do not escape this trend, as shown by the results of the survey. However, the main driver of sustainability on the executive decision agenda, in the vast majority of organizations, is still related to cost reduction, as in the case of electricity, for example, and the pressure for compliance and issues related to reputation risks
"It is necessary to move beyond the reactive agenda. Brazilian companies have broadened their focus on ESG aspects, but there are still important gaps to be filled. The social aspects, as well as the environmental ones, need to mature more effectively, because society and investors are increasingly attentive to identify companies that are really committed and have concrete sustainability practices", he concludes.