Mid-market businesses lifted by rising tide of optimism
IBR H1 2023 Mid-market businesses lifted by rising tide of optimism
Optimism among global mid-market business leaders rose from 59% to 67% in the first half of this year, according to the latest data from Grant Thornton’s International Business Report (IBR).
Um dos jovens corretores apontando para documento financeiro enquanto discutem os dados com seu colega no escritório
Insights Improved HR data reduces costly payroll errors
Mistakes in data entry lead to inaccurate employee data capture, payroll errors, excessive administrative work and potential compliance breaches, and could affect offerings and benefits offered to employees. In our experience, upwards of 70% of payroll data issues stem from recruiting and onboarding entry.
4 min read |
Unlock Brazil
2022 Unlock Brazil
Expanding into new international markets is a challenging process and having full knowledge of the chosen market is essential. In Unlock Brazil 2020, Grant Thornton presents scenarios and assists the journey to be taken by foreign companies interested in establishing themselves in Brazilian territory in accordance with government and tax authorities.
Less than a minute |
equipe reunida
INSIGHTS Acqui-Hire: new form of talent hunting in the market
Learn more about this Acqui-Hire phenomenon, which refers to acquisitions focused on hiring the company's team (hiring)
Rodrigo Nigri
| 6 min read |
Fight inflation now using digital
Fight inflation now using digital Fight inflation now using digital
Technology can help mid-market firms to offset the damage caused by soaring inflation. But how do companies globally ensure they get the best return on investment? Here, we explore the opportunities and risks for businesses in the year ahead.
8 min read |
All rise: Actions to take now to counter inflation
INSIGHTS All rise: Actions to take now to counter inflation
Inflation has taken hold globally and won’t loosen its grip anytime soon. International mid-market companies need to take action to address it now. To help, Grant Thornton has developed a list of essential actions that we think companies should take now. These are set out below and in an accompanying video series, and are used to assess the current priorities and progress of mid-market companies.
Peter Bodin
| 14 min read |
Expansion in Brazil: foreign companies seek security and optimization in backoffice services
INSIGHTS Expansion in Brazil: foreign companies seek security and optimization in backoffice services
To take advantage of the opportunities, companies that are preparing to start their operations in the Brazilian market need to plan their operations and optimize backoffice routines.
Denis Satolo
Sabrina Lawder
| 4 min read |
Pai e filha sentados com notebook no colo
INSIGHT Developing an optimal hybrid workforce strategy
As large organizations continue to go public with their workforce approaches, those that haven’t made long-term strategy decisions surrounding their workforce policy will soon need to do so. The result is many business leaders ask us if there is a consensus when it comes to designing an optimal hybrid/remote workforce strategy. The only consensus is there is no consensus.
7 min read |
Six key skills for turning data into insight
Six key skills for turning data into insight Six key skills for turning data into insight
How do you turn data into insight? Carolyn Sansom explores the six key skills you need to draw insights from data analysis to drive better decision making.
5 min read |

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