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Alessandra Zanotti
São Paulo
Senior Consultant

Alessandra Zanotti


She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology earned  from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), attended a graduate program  in Development and People Management earned from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), attended a specialization course in Organizational Psychodrama, and training in Authentic Mentoring.


With a solid career of over 25 years, she is a specialist in people management and has successfully worked on projects for the implementation of policies and processes in medium and large companies across various sectors, including Mining, Logistics, Food, Technology, Retail, Education, Third Sector, and Healthcare.

Her technical expertise includes extensive knowledge in people management subsystems, such as: recruitment and selection; training and development; performance evaluation; climate, change, and culture management. Among the major projects she has developed are participation in the structuring of governance (people pillar) in family-owned companies in Espírito Santo and supplier audits for people management and social responsibility criteria.

She is currently a member of the Diversity Program Committee at Grant Thornton Brazil, ensuring that actions are aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Executive Director at ABRH-ES (Brazilian Association of Human Resources - Espírito Santo Section) and Member of IBEF-ES (Brazilian Institute of Executives in Finance. 

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