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Bruna Peagno
São Paulo
Partner of Audit for the Financial Industry

Bruna Peagno


Earned her Business Administration from Paulista University – UNIP and in Accounting from Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation – FECAP. 
She is a member of the Financial Institutions and Investment Funds Working Group of the Brazilian Institute of Independent Auditors – IBRACON and a qualified accountant through the National Register of Independent Auditors – CNAI for auditing institutions regulated by the CVM, BACEN, SUSEP, and PREVIC.


She has over 15 years of experience in audit services for national and international financial institutions, working in accordance with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), Brazilian accounting standards (BACEN, SUSEP, and PREVIC), and international standards (IFRS).

At Grant Thornton Brazil, she is responsible for leading audit projects in the financial services sector, including banks, brokerage firms, payment institutions, investment funds, securitization companies, insurance companies, among others. 

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