Graduated in Accounting Sciences and Business Administration from Universidade Paulista and FECAP, and MBA in Economics & Finance applied to the Civil Construction sector from FGV. He is registered with the CRC-SP and the National Register of Independent Auditors (CNAI), with CVM, SUSEP and BACEN certifications, in addition to being a member of Ibracon (Brazilian Institute of Independent Auditors).
He has more than 18 years of auditing experience in international auditing companies, having participated in an audit exchange program in 2019 and 2021 (Secondment) in the United States (New York). He has worked in several segments, including: real estate development, civil construction, income properties and shopping malls. He also has experience in industries, services, fintechs, retail and non-profit entities.
Experience in auditing financial statements (IFRS and USGAAP), limited reviews and special reviews of financial statements, internal controls, SOX and previously agreed procedures.