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Wesley Marques
Audit Member

Wesley Marques


He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, attended a specialization program in Managerial Accounting from the Federal University of Espírito Santo and an MBA in Corporate Accounting/IFRS from FUCAPE/ES. She is a registered accountant with the Regional Accounting Council (CRC/ES) and a registered auditor with the National Register of Independent Auditors – CNAI, QTG, and BACEN.


With 30 years of professional experience specializing in Audit, Consulting, and Tax services for both domestic and international clients, he spent half of this career as a Partner at Baker Tilly Espírito Santo, which recently merged with Grant Thornton Brazil at the Vitória-ES office .  

He has managed financial statement audit projects in various sectors, including construction, hospitals, industries, retail, services, agribusiness, concessions, consortia, and charitable organizations, among others. He also has coordinated the implementation and certification of Control Self-Assessment in steelmaking and pulp companies. He has developed fiscal, labor, and social security audit projects for pulp, steel, and mining companies, focused on risk mitigation from outsourcing, involving over 100 companies across different sectors.

He has served as a professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo for the undergraduate Accounting program, teaching various subjects.

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