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Wladimir Zanotti
São Paulo
Audit Partner | Leader of the Office in Vitória – ES

Wladimir Zanotti


He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Vila Velha University (UVV), with an MBA in Corporate Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).   A registered accountant with the Regional Accounting Council (CRC/ES), and registered auditor with the National Register of Independent Auditors (CNAI), QGT, CVM, BACEN, and SUSEP.


He has worked for over 30 years professionally, primarily in Audit and Consulting, providing services to domestic and international companies, with half of this time as a partner  at Baker Tilly Espírito Santo—a company that recently merged with Grant Thornton Brasil in the Vitória-ES region.. His corporate career includes experience as an auditor at a "Big Four" firm and as an administrative/financial director in the automotive sector.

[Grant Thornton Brasil and Baker Tilly merger]  
He is responsible for leading work across various economic sectors, with a focus on Healthcare, Charitable Organizations, Industry, Retail, Construction, Services, Concessions, and Pulp.

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