The ESG aspects and corruption-fighting measures gained the spotlight in the last few years, significantly increasing implementation of integrity, compliance and good practices programs in Agribusiness industry entities.

To show the market your company is committed toward sustainability and mitigation of illicit practices, fraud, bribery and corruption, the MAPA’S (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies) More Integrity Seal is one of the ways to add value and to gain a competitive edge in the market.

     Relevance of the More Integrity Seal 

    Implemented in December 2018, the Seal’s purpose is assessing integrity practices relative to social responsibility and ethics of entities in the agribusiness. 

    This recognition seeks to value companies, including cooperatives and the fishing industry, committed to labor and environmental legislation and to eliminating illegal practices involving fraud, bribery and corruption, and which employ their efforts in implementing compliance, transparency, risk management policies and which show an evolution in their integrity and sustainable management programs.

    Every year companies receive and award and those that seek that recognition need to enroll in MAPA’S official website and follow the analysis stems. Upon being approved, they may receive the seal and use it in products, commercial websites, advertisement and publications.

    How do we help companies achieving that competitive edge?

    Irrespective of the stage your company is, our teams of experts contribute all throughout the process so your company may earn this recognition in the market.

      ⏵ Assessment

      Preparation of plans of action for adjusting to the requirements of the seal and subsequent application thereof.

      ⏵Implementation of actions

      Support int he implementation of the necessary actions, such as: management of Hotline; Code of Ethics; preparation/review of policies and procedures; supplier management; risk assessment, preparation of the Sustainable Management Program technical report; alignment of actions to the 17 SDO; and adjustment of social and environmental practices. 

      ⏵Maturity Assessment  

      Understanding the maturity level and how far along the company is in the development of the implemented actions.

      ⏵ Seal Application

      Support in the process of application, obtaining and/or renewing this recognition and market differentiator  

      Qualification requirements:

      Companies must demonstrate their commitment and engagement in anti-corruption practices through supporting documentation. To this end, MAPA will evaluate

      • Compliance Program - proof of approval by the Board of Directors
      • Code of Ethics - approved, with evidence of internal and external disclosure
      • Whistleblowing Channel - demonstration of the channel's effectiveness
      • Compliance training
      • Signature of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption
      • Ethos Institute
      • Not appearing on the List of establishments that have engaged in adulteration or falsification


      The second pillar of MAPA's assessment for obtaining the Seal is Labor. To be approved, the company must:

      • Not be included on the Dirty List of Slave Labor or Labor Analogous to Slavery provided for in the current legislation of the Ministry of Labor
      • Not have any labor infractions related to child labor

      The third pillar of MAPA's assessment concerns sustainability. To be approved, the company must

      • Not have had any Environmental Crimes cases tried in the last 24 months
      • Have no infractions with the Agricultural Inspection Service

      As an evaluation requirement, the company must submit a technical report specifying compliance with the sustainable actions of Good Agricultural Practices.

      Important: Agribusiness companies may replace the report called the Sustainable Management Program with a Sustainability Report or a Sustainable Management Report, both attested to by a certification body.
      certifying body.

      The Sector Pillar only applies to companies in the cotton sector. To be approved, the company must:

      • Submit the sustainability report with ABR/BCI certification