The complexity of the Brazilian tax system challenges the performance of companies in the national market.

For involving different laws and precedent, either on a federal, state or local level, the volume of tax obligations and the sophistication of the irregularity-identification-systems of tax authorities requires specialized monitoring able to raise the legal security in corporations.

In addition, the particularities of the legislation of indirect taxes and the need for optimizing the tax burden requires attention in the analysis of the viability of new business, as well as in adjusting ongoing activities.

Understanding the dynamics of our tax system increases the capacity to mitigate risks, tax benefits and make it feasible to change processes and reach a more efficient tax burden.

In this environment, indirect taxes are important guide of company competitiveness, companies that must manage the calculation and payment of taxes in a more assertive manner, for preventing being challenged by tax authorities, as well as look for opportunities to manage tax manners in a strategic manner.

We offer complete services, performed by multidisciplinary teams to support our clients in understanding the particularities of their activities, whether in tax compliance or strategic studies, for the purpose of applying the adequate interpretation and application of legal provisions.

Our solutions

  • Review of tax calculations (PIS/COFINS/ICMS/IPI/ISS);
  • Analysis of tax modeling;
  • Review, amendment and crosschecking of ancillary obligations (EFD Contributions, EFD ICMS/IPI, GIA, DCTF, XML and Per/Dcomp);
  • Advice on ICMS-ST reimbursement requests (CAT Ordinance N° 17/99/158/15, 42/18 (SP)) and accumulated ICMS credit (e-Credac);
  • Advice on the Special Regime of Reintegration of Tax Values for Exporting Companies - REINTEGRA;
  • Implementation and revision of Block K;
  • SISCOSERV - Review of the obligation;
  • Review of product registration and its correct classification (NCM);
  • Advice on obtaining tax special regime;
  • Advice on the identification, claim and monetization of tax credits;
  • Advice in tax inspection procedures and in the elaboration of administrative defenses;
  • Preparation of expert opinions (technical consultations);
  • Feasibility studies and implementation of other tax incentives;
  • Due Diligence of tax procedures.
Wanessa Pinheiro
Indirect Tax Partner
Wanessa Pinheiro